Are you 


I'm here to help you where you need to go!

I'd LOVE to hear from you.

Let's explore how we can work together. 





As a Creative Mentor I work closely with aspiring, emerging and mid-term career artists to propel their creativity & careers forward.

Supporting them move through limiting blocks, I shine a light on their talents and skill set to enable them to harness their strong unique visual message. 

Working together in clarifying their future work which aligns with their dream goals and intentions, which feels fresh and exciting.

I am invested in enabling artists more financial freedom and a creative work life fuelled by direction, energy and confidence.


As an illustrator, muralist, fine artist, digital and VR painter I’ve had the opportunity to fly all over the world to paint, create installations, ambassador for and partner with global brands such as Reebok, Google, L'oréal, & Wacom.

Presenting my work and ideas as inspiration sessions for Apple, I've sold out workshops and masterclasses at venues including The V&A, The Saatchi & National Portrait Galleries. 


My artworks hung in the Saatchi Gallery & Somerset House with my books stocked at the Tate & National galleries. I've also curated and exhibited solo shows in London and Hong Kong.

More recently I've presented ideas and interactive art with Business of Fashion & Google to fashion giants Galliano and Mario Testino, painted in VR for the Land Rover Evoque world premiere and so much more.


I hold a BA(Hons) Degree in Visual Studies & Fine Arts, Post Diploma in Public & Community Art and am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts 


As a dedicated professional, I committed to not only delivering exceptional results, but also ensuring a secure and reliable service backed by Professional Public Liability insurance. This guarantees safety, accountability, and professionalism in all interactions, providing peace of mind for clients and collaborators.


Here's my story and how I finally stepped into my VISION.

Are you ready to step into yours? 


Witnessing so much amazing growth within my client journeys is one of the many reasons I've expanded this offering. I also know firsthand what it's like to be creatively stuck when you're well aware that your life purpose is to CREATE and GROW.

For many years I struggled with this – after being shortlisted as a Fine Artist for the Becks Futures Award at the ICA, and eventually not finalising – my confidence was shot down.

The more I told myself I wasn't good enough, the more I stopped creating. It impacted me mentally and then finally physically – I shrank. When there was nowhere to go, I had to decide. Build myself up and honour my life purpose, or be in doubt and settle for less for the rest of my life.

Even though I've flown all over the world to paint, create installations, and be an ambassador for and partner with global brands such as Reebok, Google, L" oréal, and Wacom, it's not always easy. It's exhausting. I still have to remember what I learnt and the tools I've developed and still harness. From overcoming imposter syndrome to getting out of lousy working partnerships, setting better fees, and feeling in my TRUE WORTH!

There are always hurdles, especially for you and your ambition. If you desire to level up, you must expect barriers along the way. With support, you will soon see these as welcomed challenges offering growth opportunities.